How do I maintain my gas fire?
One of the biggest advantages of a gas fire is that you can switch it on at the push of a button, and nowadays by remote control. Having wood in stock, chopping it and removing ashes is not necessary, and you can still experience the direct warmth and atmosphere of a fire. Compared to a wood-burning fire, a gas fire or gas heater is very low maintenance. Nevertheless, there are a few points for attention regarding the maintenance of a gas fire.
Annual maintenance of a gas fire is necessary
Like any combustion appliance, a gas fire or gas heater requires annual maintenance. It is not always visible from the outside of the fire that the appliance requires cleaning. It is, however, mainly about the inside of the fire. In common problems with gas fires, dust is the culprit, especially in and around the pilot light. If it is dusty around the pilot, the fire or heater will not burn easily. There may also be problems when igniting the fire.
Regular maintenance with minimum use of the gas fire
Even if the fire is used sporadically as supplementary heating, occasional maintenance is still necessary. It is precisely when the fire or heater is used minimally that there is more chance of pollution and dust. It may seem logical to turn off the stove completely during the summer period, but it is better to leave the pilot on. When the pilot light is off, dust and pollution can accumulate in the appliance. As a result, the gas fire may fail at the time you want to use it.
Professional gas fire maintenance
Obviously, you should always have the annual maintenance of a gas fire or gas heater carried out by professionals. This assures you that your gas fire is safe and ready for use at the time that you decide to enjoy it. You can often contact the dealer to arrange annual maintenance, as part of a maintenance contract for example.
Maintenance contracts are available in various forms. It is therefore also possible to include any repairs to your gas fire after the guarantee expires.
What maintenance does an installer carry out on the gas fire?
The installer cleans the inside of the gas fire or gas heater to remove dust and other contamination. The glass on the gas fire is also cleaned with a special maintenance product. There are different maintenance sets for this, depending on the type of glass. Anti-reflective glass should be treated with different products than those required for ceramic glass.
In addition, all essential parts of the installation are checked, such as the thermocouple, the pilot light pipe and the ignition mechanism. The logs and any stones are also made dust-free and checked for possible displacements. This allows you to retain the best possible view of the flames. Any minor repairs can, in many cases, be carried out directly by the service employee.