DRU - Spartherm

H50303 a3

All round flair and luxury

H50304 a4

Tall, dramatic wood stove

H51103 Linear Front 65x80

Portrait wood fire with flexible capacity.

H51106 Linear Front 60x51

Handy, square format wood fire.

H51108 Linear Front 100x70

Spectacular 1 metre wide wood fire.

H51112 Linear Front 120x52

Wide and handsome wood fire for larger rooms.

H51113 Linear Front 100x51

Panoramic wood fire with flexible installation.

H51152 Linear Tunnel 60x51

Impressive, medium-sized tunnel wood fire.

H51154 Linear Tunnel 73x37

Contemporary tunnel wood fire for all round radiance.

H51155 Linear Tunnel 100x52

Spacious tunnel fire with high output and efficiency.

H51156 Linear Tunnel 67x51

Sleek and expansive see-through tunnel fire.

H51270 Linear Corner 46x46x51

Flexible 2-sided corner wood fire.

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