How do you determine the power of a gas fireplace?
Now you know that the capacity of a gas fireplace determines a large part of the gas consumption. But how do you actually determine what capacity you need to heat your living room? It is important to choose a gas fireplace that meets your heating needs. You can do this in two simple steps.
1. Determine the room's volume
Start by determining the volume (m3) of your living room, or other room you want to heat, of course. The volume is calculated by multiplying the length, width and height. For example: 6*4*3= 72 m3.
2. Determining the degree of insulation
The degree of insulation also plays a big role in determining the capacity of your gas fireplace. Find out whether your home is well insulated. By 'well' insulated homes, we mean homes that have double glazing as well as roof, floor and wall insulation. If your house lacks one of these components, it is moderately well insulated. If none of these components are present, we call your house poorly insulated. In the graph below, you can see on the left what capacity you need, for what level of insulation and for what volume of space to be heated.
A - Well-insulated house
B - Moderately insulated house
C - Badly insulated house