Large range of gas wall heaters and chimney-connected models

Gas wall heaters and chimney heaters come in different shapes and sizes. Are you looking for a heater that can be connected to your existing chimney, or do you want a wall-mounted model? You could also select a freestanding or suspended heater. Look at the wide range of gas wall and chimney heaters and compare different models.

Things to consider when buying a gas wall heater.

A51000 Art 10

Tried and trusted heating solution

A50400 Art 3

Tried and trusted heating solution

A50800 Art 6

Tried and trusted heating solution

A50900 Art 8

Tried and trusted heating solution

B50500 Berlien

Large-capacity gas heater

B53350 Diamond 30

Fan assisted, balanced flue heater

B53400 Diamond 45

Fan assisted, balanced flue heater

A51300 Style 3

Contemporary balanced flue wall heater

A51400 Style 4

Contemporary balanced flue wall heater


Things to consider when buying a gas wall heater.

A gas wall heater heats your living space efficiently. In addition, it provides a pleasant atmosphere and comfortable radiant heat. If you are planning to buy a gas wall heater, it is important to be well informed about the options in advance. The choice of heater depends very much on your home, the area to be heated and where to install the flue. If you have any questions about the most suitable gas heater for your home, we are ready to provide the answers.

What is the difference between a gas wall heater and a gas fire?

Gas wall heaters are primarily used as functional and efficient sources of heat. In the past, gas fires were mainly used for their decorative qualities, but in recent years they have also become highly effective at heating the home. Gas fires always produce impressive flame pictures, whereas with gas heaters this is possible but less common. Another difference is that gas wall heaters are not built-in, unlike many gas fires. Thanks to innovative technology, the difference in efficiency between gas fires with realistic flames and gas wall heaters is becoming less pronounced. Nowadays, gas wall heaters are good substitutes for central heating in situations where having living flames is less important.

Do you opt for a freestanding or suspended gas wall heater?

Once you have decided that a gas wall heater suits your requirements, you can choose between a freestanding or suspended model.

  • A freestanding gas wall heater is also called a chimney heater. This type of model stands free from the wall and therefore offers flexibility of location. This has the advantage that the heat can radiate in all directions and the efficiency of the heater is increased. Moreover, because you can see the flame image, it also creates a cozy atmosphere.
  • A suspended gas wall heater is also called a wall-mounted heater. It does not require a chimney but uses a flue to draw air for combustion and expel waste gases outside. The design is usually quite simple and there are no visible flames.

If there is limited space and you are looking for a simply functional gas wall heater, a wall-mounted model is a good choice. A freestanding chimney heater is the alternative if you want a visible flame picture and a connection to an existing chimney. If atmosphere and flames are very important, take a close look at whether a gas wall heater is the right choice or whether a gas fire is better suited to your needs.

What is the difference between a gas wall heater with open or closed combustion?

For combustion, there must always be a supply of oxygen. Open combustion gas heaters draw air from within the building, whereas for closed combustion, the supply of oxygen comes from outside and residual gases are discharged through the same concentric flue. A gas wall heater with open combustion requires a well-ventilated room for safe, comfortable heating. A gas wall heater with a closed combustion system is completely room-sealed and can reach a higher temperature. As a result, the efficiency of a closed-combustion gas wall heater is considerably higher than that of an open-combustion model.

What else should you think about when you buy a gas wall heater?

What are important points to consider when considering purchasing a gas wall heater? What heat output do you choose, do you need a thermostat and how much maintenance is required?

The capacity of the gas wall heater

It is important to ensure that the capacity of your gas wall heater matches the dimensions of the room you want to heat. If there is too much capacity, the room and the heater will become too hot, this results in poor combustion and unnecessarily high gas consumption. Furthermore, the heater can only be used for a short time, so determine in advance the capacity you need.

Does it require a thermostat?

If you use the gas wall heater mainly for supplementary heating and decorative purposes, a thermostat is not necessary, so you can let it burn according to your needs. If it is to be the primary source of heat, a thermostat is recommended. In this way, you ensure that the room is heated as efficiently as possible, maintaining a constant, comfortable temperature.

The maintenance of a gas wall heater

A gas wall heater will last a long time, provided it is well maintained. However, small particles of dust can enter the heater over time with dust causing ignition problems and reducing the efficiency of the appliance. For both environmental and safety reasons, it is wise to have your gas wall heater serviced every year by a qualified installer. It is also advisable to use specially developed maintenance products to clean the appliance.

More information about DRU gas wall heaters?

Request a free brochure, find a dealer in your area, visit us for personal advice or make an appointment directly online. We will be happy to help you choose the ideal gas wall heater for your needs.

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